Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pre-op Update

So I met with the doctor on Monday and came prepared with my typed questions.   Here's the scenario.  After the operation there is no chance that I won't have a voice.  I will always have a voice.  There is a slight chance however that I will remain hoarse.  The way he put it was  99% of Broadway singers who have this operation go back to singing on Broadway only 1% don't.  Now I'm no Broadway singer (though  it's always possible that this can become the case in the future.  shrug) but I do sing so this did alleviate some of the anxiety about my being able to go back to singing.  In terms of healing and getting back to my normal activities here is how it looks:

  • First 5 days absolutely no talking
  • The days after the voice off routine I can start speaking for a duration of 10 mins. the first day, 20 mins. the next and it doubles each day.
  • For a least a month after the surgery I'm still healing so I have to take it very slow and easy with the voice use.
  • No singing of fitness instructing for 3 weeks! ~ouch~
  • I can pretty much eat whatever I want after the surgery :) but I should lay off the caffeine as part of the voice therapy regimen.
  • Check ups of my vocal cords are as follows: 1st week, 1st month, 3rd month, 6th month, 9 month and 12 month.
  • Can't do kickboxing for the first 2 weeks since I need to avoid anything that will make me produce harsh sounds, such as grunting.  I can do some light cardio though.
The surgery itself last about 1-1/2 from the time they put you to sleep to the time they wake you up.  He goes in with a scope an incision is made into the vocal folds and the polyp is cut out and then the vocal fold covers the incision.  Seems pretty straight forward.  There is a possibility of your tongue getting a slight cut and numbness or loss of taste resulting.  This shouldn't last to long if it does happen.  (Fingers crossed because I have chocolate stocked up for afterward as my comfort food).  Also, there is an even smaller possibility that your teeth can get chipped but there's a guard put over your tooth to keep this from happening.

Tomorrow I go in for a consult with my voice therapist.  I guess we are going to talk about how I can prepare before the surgery and what to do afterward. 

More updates to come later.  

"Talk" to you later!

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